Python nosetests with coverage no longer shows missing lines Python nosetests with coverage no longer shows missing lines python python

Python nosetests with coverage no longer shows missing lines

In 4.1, I fixed a problem with the API defaulting two parameters to non-None values. One of them was show_missing.

The best way to fix this in your project is to set show_missing in your .coveragerc file:

# .coveragerc[report]show_missing = True

Beside having a configuration files to set show_missing you can also use coverage set_option to define it.

cov.set_option('report:show_missing', True)

I have issue with getting the correct coverage for, i solve it according to this.

Then i just add the above lines to show missing line. So my have a part like this:

if is_testing:    import coverage    cov = coverage.coverage(source=['blog'], omit=['*/tests/*'])    cov.set_option('report:show_missing', True) #add this    cov.erase()    cov.start()

No need to revert back to 3.7.1You can just downgrade to 4.0.0