Python Oauth2 - login with Google Python Oauth2 - login with Google python python

Python Oauth2 - login with Google

After a long time, and many hours spent gone to waste, I gave up with OAuth2 since it is difficult to configure, and all I need is to log a user in. The following code should help someone who needs to do something similar, and can be customized. All I did was follow the instructions on forming the urls and such here ->

I made two views (for anyone not using Django - pages) and made a link to the first one:This page I called login/google and made a link to it from the login page.

def google_login(request):    token_request_uri = ""    response_type = "code"    client_id = XXXXXX-your_client_id    redirect_uri = "http://mysite/login/google/auth"    scope = ""    url = "{token_request_uri}?response_type={response_type}&client_id={client_id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}&scope={scope}".format(        token_request_uri = token_request_uri,        response_type = response_type,        client_id = client_id,        redirect_uri = redirect_uri,        scope = scope)    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)

The above code redirected to the second page (this page must be defined as a redirect uri in the google app definitions).I called this page login/google/auth:

def google_authenticate(request):    parser = Http()    login_failed_url = '/'    if 'error' in request.GET or 'code' not in request.GET:        return HttpResponseRedirect('{loginfailed}'.format(loginfailed = login_failed_url))    access_token_uri = ''    redirect_uri = "http://mysite/login/google/auth"    params = urllib.urlencode({        'code':request.GET['code'],        'redirect_uri':redirect_uri,        'client_id':XXXXX_your_google_key,        'client_secret':XXXXX_your_google_secret,        'grant_type':'authorization_code'    })    headers={'content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}    resp, content = parser.request(access_token_uri, method = 'POST', body = params, headers = headers)    token_data = jsonDecode(content)    resp, content = parser.request("{accessToken}".format(accessToken=token_data['access_token']))    #this gets the google profile!!    google_profile = jsonDecode(content)    #log the user in-->    #HERE YOU LOG THE USER IN, OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT    #THEN REDIRECT TO PROTECTED PAGE    return HttpResponseRedirect('/dashboard')

I really hope this helps people out there, and saves them the hours I wasted. Comments on the code are more than welcome!