Python packages and egg-info directories Python packages and egg-info directories python python

Python packages and egg-info directories

The .egg-info directories get only created if --single-version-externally-managed was used to install the egg. "Normally", installing an egg would create a single directory (or zip file), containing both the code and the metadata.

pkg_resources (which is the library that reads the metadata) has a function require which can be used to request a specific version of the package. For "old-style", regular imports, easy_install hacks a .pth file to get the egg directory onto sys.path. For --single-version-externally-managed, this hacking is not necessary, because there will only be a single version installed (by the system's pacakging infrastructure, e.g. rpm or dpkg). The egg-info is still included, for applications that use require (or any of the other pkg_resources binding mechanisms).

If you want to install a package by hard-linking, I recommend to use " develop". This is a command from setuptools which doesn't actually install the egg, but makes it available site-wide. To do so, it creates an egg-link file so that pkg_resources can find it, and it manipulates a .pth file, so that regular import can find it.