Python Pulp using with Matrices Python Pulp using with Matrices python python

Python Pulp using with Matrices

You can set the lowBound and upBound on variables after the initialization.You can create an array of variables with

LB[i] <= x[i] <= UB[i]

with the following code.

x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("x", RANGE,  cat="Integer")for i in x.viewkeys():     x[i].lowBound = LB_ind[i]     x[i].upBound = UB_ind[i]

The second parameter to LpVariable.dict is the index set of the decision variables, not their lower bounds.

For the first question, you can do it like this in some other problem.

students = range(96)group = range(24)var = lp.LpVariable.dicts("if_i_in_group_j", ((i, j) for i in students for j in group),cat='binary')