Python pyglet AVBin - How to install AVBin Python pyglet AVBin - How to install AVBin python python

Python pyglet AVBin - How to install AVBin

What about installing it by:

sudo apt-get install libavbin-dev libavbin0

More information about this package:

Edit: It looks like it is not included anymore for newer ubuntu versions. So you have to download it from and install it via

sudo sh ./install-avbin-linux-x86-64-v10

I had the same problem on Windows, and there's no installer for python 2.7 on Windows.

If you put the avbin dll in your folder (or install it globally using the installer), then write:


after the import of pyglet, like this:

import pygletpyglet.lib.load_library('avbin')pyglet.have_avbin=True

It will load and use avbin happily.

I went super saiyan banging my head against the wall, and broke through it.

The solution is to install the STABLE release, rather than the latest. All it needs is a little

:~/Downloads/avbin-linux-x86-64-7$ sudo ./ 

And it works. I think they have a mix up with their installers...