Python regex matching in conditionals Python regex matching in conditionals python python

Python regex matching in conditionals

You could define a function for the action required by each regex and do something like

def dostuff():    stuffdef dootherstuff():    otherstuffdef doevenmorestuff():    evenmorestuffactions = ((regex1, dostuff), (regex2, dootherstuff), (regex3, doevenmorestuff))for regex, action in actions:    m = re.match(regex, line)    if m:         action()        break

for patt in (regex1, regex2, regex3):    match = patt.match(line)    if match:        if patt == regex1:            # some handling        elif patt == regex2:            # more        elif patt == regex3:            # more        break

I like Tim's answer because it separates out the per-regex matching code to keep things simple. For my answer, I wouldn't put more than a line or two of code for each match, and if you need more, call a separate method.

In this particular case there appears to be no convenient way to do this in python.if python would accept the syntax:

if (m = re.match(pattern,string)):    text =

then all would be fine, but apparently youcannot do that