python requests link headers python requests link headers python python

python requests link headers

There is already a way provided by requests to access links header


It returns the dictionary of links header value which can easily parsed further using


to get the required values.

You can parse the header's value manually. To make things easier you might want to use request's parsing function parse_header_links as a reference.

Or you can do some find/replace and use original parse_header_links

In [1]: import requestsIn [2]: d = {'content-length': '12276', 'via': '1.1 varnish-v4', 'links': '<>;rel="last">,<>;rel="next">', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding, Origin'}In [3]: requests.utils.parse_header_links(d['links'].rstrip('>').replace('>,<', ',<'))Out[3]:[{'rel': 'last', 'url': ''}, {'rel': 'next', 'url': ''}]

If there might be a space or two between >, and < then you need to do replace with a regular expression.