Python Script Uploading files via FTP Python Script Uploading files via FTP python python

Python Script Uploading files via FTP

Use ftplib, you can write it like this:

import ftplibsession = ftplib.FTP('','USERNAME','PASSWORD')file = open('kitten.jpg','rb')                  # file to sendsession.storbinary('STOR kitten.jpg', file)     # send the filefile.close()                                    # close file and FTPsession.quit()

Use ftplib.FTP_TLS instead if you FTP host requires TLS.

To retrieve it, you can use urllib.retrieve:

import urllib urllib.urlretrieve('ftp://server/path/to/file', 'file')


To find out the current directory, use FTP.pwd():

FTP.pwd(): Return the pathname of the current directory on the server.

To change the directory, use FTP.cwd(pathname):

FTP.cwd(pathname): Set the current directory on the server.

ftplib now supports context managers so I guess it can be made even easier

from ftplib import FTPfrom pathlib import Pathfile_path = Path('kitten.jpg')with FTP('', 'USER', 'PWD') as ftp, open(file_path, 'rb') as file:        ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {}', file)

No need to close the file or the session

You will most likely want to use the ftplib module for python

 import ftplib ftp = ftplib.FTP() host = "" port = 21 ftp.connect(host, port) print (ftp.getwelcome()) try:      print ("Logging in...")      ftp.login("yourusername", "yourpassword") except:     "failed to login"

This logs you into an FTP server. What you do from there is up to you. Your question doesnt indicate any other operations that really need doing.