Python: Selenium Firefox Webdriver failing with error: 'Can't load the profile...WARN addons.xpi..." Python: Selenium Firefox Webdriver failing with error: 'Can't load the profile...WARN addons.xpi..." python python

Python: Selenium Firefox Webdriver failing with error: 'Can't load the profile...WARN addons.xpi..."

Selenium 2.35 is not compatible with Firefox 26. As the release notes say, FF 26 support was added in Selenium 2.39. You need to update to 2.39. Try pip install -U selenium instead.

Not sure if it works fine on Windows too, but for me the combination of Firefox 26 and selenium 2.37.0 works fine.

I also have this issue in Win8.1 FF28 and python3.4/selenium 2.41. But after I degraded FF to 24, it worked! And I also tested in Win8.1/FF27/Python3.4/Selenium 2.41, it worked too.