python theading.Timer: how to pass argument to the callback? python theading.Timer: how to pass argument to the callback? python python

python theading.Timer: how to pass argument to the callback?

Timer takes an array of arguments and a dict of keyword arguments, so you need to pass an array:

import threadingdef hello(arg):    print argt = threading.Timer(2, hello, ["bb"])t.start()while 1:    pass

You're seeing "b" because you're not giving it an array, so it treats "bb" an an iterable; it's essentially as if you gave it ["b", "b"].

kwargs is for keyword arguments, eg:

t = threading.Timer(2, hello, ["bb"], {arg: 1})

See for information about keyword arguments.

The third argument to Timer is a sequence. Since you pass "bb" as that sequence, hello gets the elements of that sequence ("b" and "b") as separate arguments (arg and kargs). Put "bb" in a list and hello will get the string as the first argument.

t = threading.Timer(2, hello, ["bb"])

As for hello's parameters, you probably mean:

def hello(*args, **kwargs):

The meaning of **kwargs is covered in the queston "What does *args and **kwargs mean?"