Python: thinking of a module and its variables as a singleton — Clean approach? Python: thinking of a module and its variables as a singleton — Clean approach? python python

Python: thinking of a module and its variables as a singleton — Clean approach?

A common alternative to using a module as a singleton is Alex Martelli's Borg pattern:

class Borg:    __shared_state = {}    def __init__(self):        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state    # and whatever else you want in your class -- that's all!

There can be multiple instances of this class, but they all share the same state.

Maybe you can put all the variables in a global dict, and you can directly use the dict in your functions without "global".

# Singleton-related variablesmy_globals = {'foo': 'blah', 'bar':'stuff'}# Functions that process the above variablesdef work(some_parameter):    if some_parameter:        my_globals['bar'] = ...    else:        my_globals['foo'] = ...

why you can do it like this is Python Scopes and Namespaces.

One approach to implementing a singleton pattern with Python can also be:

have singleton __init()__ method raise an exception if an instance of the class already exists. More precisely, class has a member _single. If this member is different from None, exception is raised.

class Singleton:    __single = None    def __init__( self ):        if Singleton.__single:            raise Singleton.__single        Singleton.__single = self  

It could be argued that handling the singleton instance creation with exceptions is not very clean also. We may hide implementation details with a method handle() as in

def Handle( x = Singleton ):    try:        single = x()    except Singleton, s:        single = s    return single 

this Handle() method is very similar to what would be a C++ implementation of the Singleton pattern. We could have in Singleton class the handle()

Singleton& Singleton::Handle() {  if( !psingle ) {    psingle = new Singleton;  }  return *psingle;}

returning either a new Singleton instance or a reference to the existing unique instance of class Singleton.

Handling the whole hierarchy

If Single1 and Single2 classes derive from Singleton, a single instance of Singleton through one of the derived class exists. This can be verify with this:

>>> child = S2( 'singlething' )>>> junior = Handle( S1)>>>'singlething'