python win32 extensions documentation [closed] python win32 extensions documentation [closed] python python

python win32 extensions documentation [closed]

You'll find documentation here:

(Note: most of the API docs are under 'modules' and 'objects'. Note that the documentation is very sparse here but rembember: since it's only a wrapper on top of the win32 API --> the 'full' documentation is also on the MSDN website, google should be helpful...)

PyWin32 docs are included with ActivePython (which I highly recommend you to install). ChristopheD's link is for Python 2.4 which is an older version. For Python 2.6 version (which is the latest), here is the CHM file that contains PyWin32 docs. Note that this CHM file is also included with ActivePython itself.

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In addition to ChristopheD's recommendations I also find that Tim Golden's Python Stuff is very useful.