Python's `unittest` lacks an `assertHasAttr` method, what should I use instead? Python's `unittest` lacks an `assertHasAttr` method, what should I use instead? python python

Python's `unittest` lacks an `assertHasAttr` method, what should I use instead?

Came up with an answer as I was writing the question. Given a class/test case that inherits from unittest.TestCase, you can just add a method based on .assertTrue():

def assertHasAttr(self, obj, intendedAttr):    testBool = hasattr(obj, intendedAttr)    # python >=3.8 only, see below for older pythons    self.assertTrue(testBool, msg=f'obj lacking an attribute. {obj=}, {intendedAttr=}')


I didn't find anything on google when I was searching before, so I'll leave this here in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.


I've updated my answer to use the neat new "self-documenting" feature for f-strings that was added in python 3.8. If you want a assertHasAttr func that will be compatible with any python (including <=3.7), change the last line to instead be:

# last line of original answer, will work with any pythonself.assertTrue(testBool, msg='obj lacking an attribute. obj: %s, intendedAttr: %s' % (obj, intendedAttr))

You can write your own:

HAS_ATTR_MESSAGE = '{} should have an attribute {}'class BaseTestCase(TestCase):    def assertHasAttr(self, obj, attrname, message=None):        if not hasattr(obj, attrname):            if message is not None:                  else:      , attrname))

Then you can subclass BaseTestCase insteadof TestCase with tests. For example:

class TestDict(BaseTestCase):    def test_dictionary_attributes(self):        self.assertHasAttr({}, 'pop')  # will succeed        self.assertHasAttr({}, 'blablablablabla')  # will fail

Going for the most succint answer so far:

self.assertTrue(hasattr(myInstance, "myAttribute"))

altough Dan's hint in a comment to the OP is also a valid answer:

assert hasattr(myInstance, "myAttribute"))

just not quite as syntactically aligned with the typical assertions from the unittest package.