pyyaml: dumping without tags pyyaml: dumping without tags python python

pyyaml: dumping without tags

You can use safe_dump instead of dump. Just keep in mind that it won't be able to represent arbitrary Python objects then. Also, when you load the YAML, you will get a str object instead of unicode.

How about this:

def unicode_representer(dumper, uni):    node = yaml.ScalarNode(tag=u',2002:str', value=uni)    return nodeyaml.add_representer(unicode, unicode_representer)

This seems to make dumping unicode objects work the same as dumping str objects for me (Python 2.6).

In [72]: yaml.dump(u'abc')Out[72]: 'abc\n...\n'In [73]: yaml.dump('abc')Out[73]: 'abc\n...\n'In [75]: yaml.dump(['abc'])Out[75]: '[abc]\n'In [76]: yaml.dump([u'abc'])Out[76]: '[abc]\n'

You need a new dumper class that does everything the standard Dumper class does but overrides the representers for str and unicode.

from yaml.dumper import Dumperfrom yaml.representer import SafeRepresenterclass KludgeDumper(Dumper):   passKludgeDumper.add_representer(str,       SafeRepresenter.represent_str)KludgeDumper.add_representer(unicode,        SafeRepresenter.represent_unicode)

Which leads to

>>> print yaml.dump([u'abc',u'abc\xe7'],Dumper=KludgeDumper)[abc, "abc\xE7"]>>> print yaml.dump([u'abc',u'abc\xe7'],Dumper=KludgeDumper,encoding=None)[abc, "abc\xE7"]

Granted, I'm still stumped on how to keep this pretty.

>>> print u'abc\xe7'abcç

And it breaks a later yaml.load()

>>> yy=yaml.load(yaml.dump(['abc','abc\xe7'],Dumper=KludgeDumper,encoding=None))>>> yy['abc', 'abc\xe7']>>> print yy[1]abc�>>> print u'abc\xe7'abcç