Random hash in Python Random hash in Python python python

Random hash in Python

A md5-hash is just a 128-bit value, so if you want a random one:

import randomhash = random.getrandbits(128)print("hash value: %032x" % hash)

I don't really see the point, though. Maybe you should elaborate why you need this...

I think what you are looking for is a universal unique identifier.Then the module UUID in python is what you are looking for.

import uuiduuid.uuid4().hex

UUID4 gives you a random unique identifier that has the same length as a md5 sum. Hex will represent is as an hex string instead of returning a uuid object.


The secrets module was added in Python 3.6+. It provides cryptographically secure random values with a single call. The functions take an optional nbytes argument, default is 32 (bytes * 8 bits = 256-bit tokens). MD5 has 128-bit hashes, so provide 16 for "MD5-like" tokens.

>>> import secrets>>> secrets.token_hex(nbytes=16)'17adbcf543e851aa9216acc9d7206b96'>>> secrets.token_urlsafe(16)'X7NYIolv893DXLunTzeTIQ'>>> secrets.token_bytes(128 // 8)b'\x0b\xdcA\xc0.\x0e\x87\x9b`\x93\\Ev\x1a|u'