Read all the contents in ini file into dictionary with Python Read all the contents in ini file into dictionary with Python python python

Read all the contents in ini file into dictionary with Python

I suggest subclassing ConfigParser.ConfigParser (or SafeConfigParser, &c) to safely access the "protected" attributes (names starting with single underscore -- "private" would be names starting with two underscores, not to be accessed even in subclasses...):

import ConfigParserclass MyParser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser):    def as_dict(self):        d = dict(self._sections)        for k in d:            d[k] = dict(self._defaults, **d[k])            d[k].pop('__name__', None)        return d

This emulates the usual logic of config parsers, and is guaranteed to work in all versions of Python where there's a module (up to 2.7, which is the last of the 2.* series -- knowing that there will be no future Python 2.any versions is how compatibility can be guaranteed;-).

If you need to support future Python 3.* versions (up to 3.1 and probably the soon forthcoming 3.2 it should be fine, just renaming the module to all-lowercase configparser instead of course) it may need some attention/tweaks a few years down the road, but I wouldn't expect anything major.

I managed to get an answer, but I expect there should be a better one.

dictionary = {}for section in config.sections():    dictionary[section] = {}    for option in config.options(section):        dictionary[section][option] = config.get(section, option)

I know that this question was asked 5 years ago, but today I've made this dict comprehension thingy:

parser = ConfigParser() = {section: dict(parser.items(section)) for section in parser.sections()}