Read Outlook Events via Python Read Outlook Events via Python python python

Read Outlook Events via Python

From here I need help with looping through the events and read them.

Basically, all you have to do is to follow the COM API documentation from Microsoft. For example, the Restrict() method returns AppointmentItem objects which are documented at AppointmentItem Object for Outlook 2010. So, starting with a folder, you can get and list the appointments as follows:

# Get the AppointmentItem objects# = someFolder.Items# Restrict to items in the next 30 days (using Python 3.3 - might be slightly different for 2.7)begin = = begin + datetime.timedelta(days = 30);restriction = "[Start] >= '" + begin.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + "' AND [End] <= '" +end.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + "'"restrictedItems = appointments.Restrict(restriction)# Iterate through restricted AppointmentItems and print themfor appointmentItem in restrictedItems:    print("{0} Start: {1}, End: {2}, Organizer: {3}".format(          appointmentItem.Subject, appointmentItem.Start,           appointmentItem.End, appointmentItem.Organizer))

Note that I had to use a slightly different time format for the restriction expression ("%m/%d/%Y" instead of "%m%d%Y"). The proper solution would be to use Outlook's Format function as documented at, section Date. Note also that I was using Python 3.3, so you might have to use different functions to create the dates. In any case, for testing purposes, you can use a hard coded expression like "[Start] >= '02/03/2014' AND [End] <= '03/05/2014'"

To get a shared calendar, the following code should work - This is the usual sequence found in the API documentation, however I was not able to actually get it working, but this could be due to a different backend server (not using an Exchange server):

recipient = namespace.createRecipient("User Name")resolved = recipient.Resolve()sharedCalendar = namespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(recipient, 9)

To show all available folders as a tree, you can use something like

def folderTree(folders, indent = 0):    prefix = ' ' * (indent*2)    i = 0    for folder in folders:        print("{0}{1}. {2} ({3})".format(prefix, i, folder.Name, folder.DefaultItemType))        folderTree(folder.Folders, indent + 1)        i = i + 1...folderTree(namespace.Folders)

To look up a folder by its path (e.g. to find the calendar folder "" below the "Internet Calendars" folder), you can use something like

def findFolder(folders, searchPath, level = 0):    for folder in folders:        if folder.Name == searchPath[level]:            if level < len(searchPath)-1:                # Search sub folder                folder = findFolder(folder.folders, searchPath, level+1)            return folder    return None...sharedCalendar = findFolder(namespace.Folders, ["Internet Calendars", ""])

See also: