Redis Python - how to delete all keys according to a specific pattern In python, without python iterating Redis Python - how to delete all keys according to a specific pattern In python, without python iterating python python

Redis Python - how to delete all keys according to a specific pattern In python, without python iterating

Use SCAN iterators:

for key in r.scan_iter("prefix:*"):    r.delete(key)

Here is a full working example using py-redis:

from redis import StrictRediscache = StrictRedis()def clear_ns(ns):    """    Clears a namespace    :param ns: str, namespace i.e your:prefix    :return: int, cleared keys    """    count = 0    ns_keys = ns + '*'    for key in cache.scan_iter(ns_keys):        cache.delete(key)        count += 1    return count

You can also do scan_iter to get all the keys into memory, and then pass all the keys to delete for a bulk delete but may take a good chunk of memory for larger namespaces. So probably best to run a delete for each key.



Since writing the answer, I started using pipelining feature of redis to send all commands in one request and avoid network latency:

from redis import StrictRediscache = StrictRedis()def clear_cache_ns(ns):    """    Clears a namespace in redis cache.    This may be very time consuming.    :param ns: str, namespace i.e your:prefix*    :return: int, num cleared keys    """    count = 0    pipe = cache.pipeline()    for key in cache.scan_iter(ns):        pipe.delete(key)        count += 1    pipe.execute()    return count

UPDATE2 (Best Performing):

If you use scan instead of scan_iter, you can control the chunk size and iterate through the cursor using your own logic. This also seems to be a lot faster, especially when dealing with many keys. If you add pipelining to this you will get a bit of a performance boost, 10-25% depending on chunk size, at the cost of memory usage since you will not send the execute command to Redis until everything is generated. So I stuck with scan:

from redis import StrictRediscache = StrictRedis()CHUNK_SIZE = 5000def clear_ns(ns):    """    Clears a namespace    :param ns: str, namespace i.e your:prefix    :return: int, cleared keys    """    cursor = '0'    ns_keys = ns + '*'    while cursor != 0:        cursor, keys = cache.scan(cursor=cursor, match=ns_keys, count=CHUNK_SIZE)        if keys:            cache.delete(*keys)    return True

Here are some benchmarks:

5k chunks using a busy Redis cluster:

Done removing using scan in 4.49929285049Done removing using scan_iter in 98.4856731892Done removing using scan_iter & pipe in 66.8833789825Done removing using scan & pipe in 3.20298910141

5k chunks and a small idle dev redis (localhost):

Done removing using scan in 1.26654982567Done removing using scan_iter in 13.5976779461Done removing using scan_iter & pipe in 4.66061878204Done removing using scan & pipe in 1.13942599297

I think the

 for key in x: cache.delete(key)

is pretty good and concise. delete really wants one key at a time, so you have to loop.

Otherwise, this previous question and answer points you to a lua-based solution.