Regular expression usage in glob.glob? Regular expression usage in glob.glob? python python

Regular expression usage in glob.glob?

The easiest way would be to filter the glob results yourself. Here is how to do it using a simple loop comprehension:

import globres = [f for f in glob.glob("*.txt") if "abc" in f or "123" in f or "a1b" in f]for f in res:    print f

You could also use a regexp and no glob:

import osimport reres = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if'(abc|123|a1b).*\.txt$', f)]for f in res:    print f

(By the way, naming a variable list is a bad idea since list is a Python type...)

I'm surprised that no answers here used filter.

import osimport redef glob_re(pattern, strings):    return filter(re.compile(pattern).match, strings)filenames = glob_re(r'.*(abc|123|a1b).*\.txt', os.listdir())

This accepts any iterator that returns strings, including lists, tuples, dicts(if all keys are strings), etc. If you want to support partial matches, you could change .match to .search. Please note that this obviously returns a generator, so if you want to use the results without iterating over them, you could convert the result to a list yourself, or wrap the return statement with list(...).

Here is a ready to use way of doing this, based on the other answers. It's not the most performance critical, but it works as described;

def reglob(path, exp, invert=False):    """glob.glob() style searching which uses regex    :param exp: Regex expression for filename    :param invert: Invert match to non matching files    """    m = re.compile(exp)    if invert is False:        res = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if]    else:        res = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if not]    res = map(lambda x: "%s/%s" % ( path, x, ), res)    return res