Remove line through marker in matplotlib legend Remove line through marker in matplotlib legend python python

Remove line through marker in matplotlib legend

You can specify linestyle="None" as a keyword argument in the plot command:

import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplotFig, ax = pyplot.subplots()for i, (mark, color) in enumerate(zip(    ['s', 'o', 'D', 'v'], ['r', 'g', 'b', 'purple'])):    ax.plot(i+1, i+1, color=color,            marker=mark,            markerfacecolor='None',            markeredgecolor=color,            linestyle = 'None',            label=`i`)ax.set_xlim(0,5)ax.set_ylim(0,5)ax.legend(numpoints=1)

enter image description here

Since you're only plotting single points, you can't see the line attribute except for in the legend.

You can set the rcparams for the plots:

import matplotlibmatplotlib.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = 0matplotlib.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1

enter image description here

All the legend.* parameters are available as keywords if you don't want the setting to apply globally for all plots. See matplotlib.pyplot.legend documentation and this related question:

legend setting (numpoints and scatterpoints) in matplotlib does not work

To simply remove the lines once the data has been plotted:

handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()for h in handles: h.set_linestyle("")ax.legend(handles, labels)