Removing \r\n from a Python list after importing with readlines Removing \r\n from a Python list after importing with readlines python python

Removing \r\n from a Python list after importing with readlines

That's basically how readlines works. You could post-process it:

stocks = [x.rstrip() for x in stocks]

But I prefer not using readlines at all if I don't want EOL character(s), instead doing:

stocks = open(textfile).read().splitlines()

Or even better:

with open(textfile) as f:    stocks =

(it almost certainly won't make a difference here, but using context managers to explicitly close file objects is a good habit to get into)

You could replace \r\n with the empty string in a replace command.

stocks = [x.replace("\r\n","") for x in stocks]

readlines() should never be used unless you know that the file is really small. For your application, it is better to use rstrip()

with open(filename, 'r') as f:    for l in f:        l = l.rstrip()        # other operations.