Replace textarea with rich text editor in Django Admin? Replace textarea with rich text editor in Django Admin? python python

Replace textarea with rich text editor in Django Admin?

There's an add-on Django application to provide TinyMCE support for Django admin forms without having to muck around with admin templates or Django newform internals.

Take a look on this snippet - basic idea is to include custom JS in your admin definitions which will replace standard text areas with rich-text editor.

For jQuery/FCKEditor such JS could look like that:

$(document).ready(function() {    $("textarea").each(function(n, obj) {        fck = new FCKeditor( ;            fck.BasePath = "/admin-media/fckeditor/" ;            fck.ReplaceTextarea() ;    });});

I'd say: define your own ModelAdmin class and overwrite the widget used for particular field, like:

class ArticleAdminModelForm(forms.ModelForm):    description = forms.CharField(widget=widgets.AdminWYMEditor)    class Meta:        model = models.Article

(AdminWYMEditor is a forms.Textarea subclass that adds WYMEditor with configuration specific to Django admin app).

See this blog post by Jannis Leidel to see how this widget can be implemented.