Reset ipython kernel Reset ipython kernel python python

Reset ipython kernel

Even though it would be handy if %reset would clear the namespace and the cache for the imports (as in the notebook) one can explicitly reload a previously imported module using importlib.reload in python3.4 or imp.reload in python3.0-3.3 (and if needed reset the kernel in a second step).

I could restart the kernel, but some console sessions take longer to reconnect. Notebook detects kernel restart instantly.

ipykernel.ipkernel.IPythonKernel class has a do_shutdown method with restart parameter which defaults to False.

Get a reference to ipykernel.kernelapp.IPKernelApp which has a reference to the kernel and call do_shutdown of the kernel by passing True.

import IPythonapp = IPython.Application.instance()app.kernel.do_shutdown(True)  

How did I test?

$ #start notebook$ jupyter notebook$ #connect to existing kernel$ jupyter console --existing

If you have installed Spyder with anaconda, then open Spyder window.

Then Consoles (menu bar) -> Restart Consoles.

or you can use CTRL+. which is a shortcut key to restart the console.