Running a Python program with arguments from within the Visual Studio Code Running a Python program with arguments from within the Visual Studio Code python python

Running a Python program with arguments from within the Visual Studio Code

You can pass in the arguments into the program by defining the arguments in the args setting of launch.json as defined below:

json{    "name": "Python",    "type": "python",    "pythonPath":"${config.python.pythonPath}",     "request": "launch",    "stopOnEntry": true,    "console": "none",    "program": "${file}",    "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",    "args":["arg1", "arg2"],    "env": {"name":"value"}}

Further information can be found on the documentation site here:

If you use the Code Runner extension you can add the following to your settings (click on the '{}' icon in the top right corner to get the settings.json file):

"code-runner.executorMap": { "python": "$pythonPath -u $fullFileName xxx" }

where xxx is your argument. This is a global change so you have to change when working on other files.

One way to do it in the version 2.0.0 is:

"command": "python ${file} --model_type LeNet5 --prior_file conf1.json --epochs 200",