Running python script in Blender Running python script in Blender python python

Running python script in Blender

You can also execute the following code in the python console to execute an external script without opening it up in the text editor:

filename = "/full/path/to/"exec(compile(open(filename).read(), filename, 'exec'))

The above code comes from the following link:

Blender - Tips and Tricks

  1. Open a Text Editor view in Blender.
  2. Press Alt + O, or go to Text>Open Text Block and open the .py file
  3. Then simply press Run script :D

P.s. Instead of opening a file in step 2, you can also hit the "+ New" button and create a new script instead.

Note : In newer versions the Run Script button label has been replaced with a Play icon : enter image description here

this answer is too late, but to help anyone with the same problem

via the terminal:

blender yourblendfilenameorpath --python 

from the man pages

       -P or --python <filename>              Run the given Python script file.