RuntimeError: This event loop is already running in python RuntimeError: This event loop is already running in python python python

RuntimeError: This event loop is already running in python

I got the issue resolved by using the nest_async

pip install nest-asyncio

and adding below lines in my file.

import nest_asyncionest_asyncio.apply()__import__('IPython').embed()

Event loop running - is an entry point of your async program. It manages running of all coroutines, tasks, callbacks. Running loop while it's running makes no sense: in some sort it's like trying to run job executor from same already running job executor.

Since you have this question, I guess you may misunderstand a way how asyncio works. Please, read this article - it's not big and gives a good introduction.


There's absolutely no problem in adding multiple things to be ran by event loop while this loop is already running. You can do it just by awaiting for it:

await coro()  # add coro() to be run by event loop blocking flow here until coro() is finished

or creating a task:

# python 3.7+asyncio.create_task(coro())  # add coro() to be run by event loop without blocking flow here# This works in all Python versions but is less readableasyncio.ensure_future(coro())

As you can see you don't need call event loop's methods to make something being ran by it.

Event loop's method such as run_forever or run_until_complete — are just a ways to start event loop in general.

run_until_complete(foo()) means: "add foo() to be ran by event loop and run event loop itself until foo() isn't done".

Just add this bunch of code in the beginning

!pip install nest_asyncioimport nest_asyncionest_asyncio.apply()