RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater python python

RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater

Your problem is caused by the NaN or Inf elements in your out_vec array. You could use the following code to avoid this problem:

if np.isnan(np.sum(out_vec)):    out_vec = out_vec[~numpy.isnan(out_vec)] # just remove nan elements from vectorout_vec[out_vec > 709] = 709...

or you could use the following code to leave the NaN values in your array:

out_vec[ np.array([e > 709 if ~np.isnan(e) else False for e in out_vec], dtype=bool) ] = 709

In my case the warning did not show up when calling this before the comparison (I had NaN values getting compared)


IMO the better way would be to use a more numerically stable implementation of sum of exponentials.

from scipy.misc import logsumexpout_vec = np.exp(out_vec - logsumexp(out_vec))