Scikit Learn: Logistic Regression model coefficients: Clarification Scikit Learn: Logistic Regression model coefficients: Clarification python python

Scikit Learn: Logistic Regression model coefficients: Clarification

take a look at the documentations (, offset coefficient isn't stored by lr.coef_

coef_ array, shape = [n_classes-1, n_features] Coefficient of the features in the decision function. coef_ is readonly property derived from raw_coef_ that follows the internal memory layout of liblinear. intercept_ array, shape = [n_classes-1] Intercept (a.k.a. bias) added to the decision function. It is available only when parameter intercept is set to True.


sigmoid( dot([val1, val2], lr.coef_) + lr.intercept_ ) 

The easiest way is by calling coef_ attribute of LR classifier:

Definition of coef_ please check Scikit-Learn document:

See example:

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionclf = LogisticRegression(),y_train)  weight = classifier.coef_