selenium - chromedriver executable needs to be in PATH [duplicate] selenium - chromedriver executable needs to be in PATH [duplicate] python python

selenium - chromedriver executable needs to be in PATH [duplicate]

You can download ChromeDriver here:

Then you have multiple options:

  • add it to your system path
  • put it in the same directory as your python script
  • specify the location directly via executable_path

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:/path/to/chromedriver.exe')

Try this :

pip install webdriver-manager
from selenium import webdriverfrom import ChromeDriverManagerdriver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())

Another way is download and unzip chromedriver and put 'chromedriver.exe' in C:\Python27\Scripts and then you need not to provide the path of driver, just

driver= webdriver.Chrome()

will work