sklearn Logistic Regression "ValueError: Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2." sklearn Logistic Regression "ValueError: Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2." python python

sklearn Logistic Regression "ValueError: Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2."

scikit-learn expects 2d num arrays for the training dataset for a fit function. The dataset you are passing in is a 3d array you need to reshape the array into a 2d.

nsamples, nx, ny = train_dataset.shaped2_train_dataset = train_dataset.reshape((nsamples,nx*ny))

In LSTM, GRU, and TCN layers, the return_sequence in last layer before Dence Layer must set False .It is one of conditions that you encounter to this error message .

If anyone is stumbling onto this question from using LSTM or any RNN for two or more time series, this might be a solution.

However, to those who want error between two different values predicted, if for example you're trying to predict two completely different time series, then you can do the following:

from sklearn import mean_squared_error # Any sklearn function that takes 2D data only# 3D datareal = np.array([    [        [1,60],        [2,70],        [3,80]    ],    [        [2,70],        [3,80],        [4,90]    ]]) pred = np.array([    [        [1.1,62.1],        [2.1,72.1],        [3.1,82.1]    ],    [        [2.1,72.1],        [3.1,82.1],        [4.1,92.1]    ]])# Error/Some Metric on Feature 1:print(mean_squared_error(real[:,:,0], pred[:,:,0]) # 0.1000# Error/Some Metric on Feature 2:print(mean_squared_error(real[:,:,1], pred[:,:,1]) # 2.0000

Additional Info from the numpy indexing