Sklearn Pipeline: Get feature names after OneHotEncode In ColumnTransformer Sklearn Pipeline: Get feature names after OneHotEncode In ColumnTransformer python python

Sklearn Pipeline: Get feature names after OneHotEncode In ColumnTransformer

You can access the feature_names using the following snippet!

clf.named_steps['preprocessor'].transformers_[1][1]\   .named_steps['onehot'].get_feature_names(categorical_features)

Using sklearn >= 0.21 version, we can make it more simpler:

clf['preprocessor'].transformers_[1][1]['onehot']\                   .get_feature_names(categorical_features)

Reproducible example:

import numpy as npimport pandas as pdfrom sklearn.impute import SimpleImputerfrom sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScalerfrom sklearn.pipeline import Pipelinefrom sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformerfrom sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegressiondf = pd.DataFrame({'brand': ['aaaa', 'asdfasdf', 'sadfds', 'NaN'],                   'category': ['asdf', 'asfa', 'asdfas', 'as'],                   'num1': [1, 1, 0, 0],                   'target': [0.2, 0.11, 1.34, 1.123]})numeric_features = ['num1']numeric_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[    ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),    ('scaler', StandardScaler())])categorical_features = ['brand', 'category']categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[    ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')),    ('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))])preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(    transformers=[        ('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),        ('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)])clf = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),                      ('regressor',  LinearRegression())])'target', 1), df['target'])clf.named_steps['preprocessor'].transformers_[1][1]\   .named_steps['onehot'].get_feature_names(categorical_features)# ['brand_NaN' 'brand_aaaa' 'brand_asdfasdf' 'brand_sadfds' 'category_as'#  'category_asdf' 'category_asdfas' 'category_asfa']

EDIT: actually Peter's comment answer is in the ColumnTransformer doc:

The order of the columns in the transformed feature matrix follows the order of how the columns are specified in the transformers list. Columns of the original feature matrix that are not specified are dropped from the resulting transformed feature matrix, unless specified in the passthrough keyword. Those columns specified with passthrough are added at the right to the output of the transformers.

To complete Venkatachalam's answer with what Paul asked in his comment, the order of feature names as it appears in the ColumnTransformer .get_feature_names() method depends on the order of declaration of the steps variable at the ColumnTransformer instanciation.

I could not find any doc so I just played with the toy example below and that let me understand the logic.

from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformerfrom sklearn.pipeline import Pipelinefrom sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixinfrom sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScalerclass testEstimator(BaseEstimator,TransformerMixin):    def __init__(self,string):        self.string = string    def fit(self,X):        return self    def transform(self,X):        return np.full(X.shape, self.string).reshape(-1,1)    def get_feature_names(self):        return self.stringtransformers = [('first_transformer',testEstimator('A'),1), ('second_transformer',testEstimator('B'),0)]column_transformer = ColumnTransformer(transformers)steps = [('scaler',RobustScaler()), ('transformer', column_transformer)]pipeline = Pipeline(steps)dt_test = np.zeros((1000,2))pipeline.fit_transform(dt_test)for name,step in pipeline.named_steps.items():    if hasattr(step, 'get_feature_names'):        print(step.get_feature_names())

For the sake of having a more representative example I added a RobustScaler and nested the ColumnTransformer on a Pipeline. By the way, you will find my version of Venkatachalam's way to get the feature name looping of the steps. You can turn it into a slightly more usable variable by unpacking the names with a list comprehension:

[i for i in v.get_feature_names() for k, v in pipeline.named_steps.items() if hasattr(v,'get_feature_names')]

So play around with the dt_test and the estimators to soo how the feature name is built, and how it is concatenated in the get_feature_names().Here is another example with a transformer which output 2 columns, using the input column:

class testEstimator3(BaseEstimator,TransformerMixin):    def __init__(self,string):        self.string = string    def fit(self,X):        self.unique = np.unique(X)[0]        return self    def transform(self,X):        return np.concatenate((X.reshape(-1,1), np.full(X.shape,self.string).reshape(-1,1)), axis = 1)    def get_feature_names(self):        return list((self.unique,self.string))dt_test2 = np.concatenate((np.full((1000,1),'A'),np.full((1000,1),'B')), axis = 1)transformers = [('first_transformer',testEstimator3('A'),1), ('second_transformer',testEstimator3('B'),0)]column_transformer = ColumnTransformer(transformers)steps = [('transformer', column_transformer)]pipeline = Pipeline(steps)pipeline.fit_transform(dt_test2)for step in pipeline.steps:    if hasattr(step[1], 'get_feature_names'):        print(step[1].get_feature_names())

Scikit-Learn 1.0 now has new features to keep track of feature names.

from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformerfrom sklearn.impute import SimpleImputerfrom sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegressionfrom sklearn.pipeline import make_pipelinefrom sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler# SimpleImputer does not have get_feature_names_out, so we need to add it# manually. This should be fixed in Scikit-Learn 1.0.1: all transformers will# have this method.# gSimpleImputer.get_feature_names_out = (lambda self, names=None:                                       self.feature_names_in_)num_pipeline = make_pipeline(SimpleImputer(), StandardScaler())transformer = make_column_transformer(    (num_pipeline, ["age", "height"]),    (OneHotEncoder(), ["city"]))pipeline = make_pipeline(transformer, LinearRegression())df = pd.DataFrame({"city": ["Rabat", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Auckland"],                   "age": [32, 65, 18, 24],                   "height": [172, 163, 169, 190],                   "weight": [65, 62, 54, 95]},                  index=["Alice", "Bunji", "Cécile", "Dave"]), df["weight"])## get pipeline feature namespipeline[:-1].get_feature_names_out()## specify feature names as your columnspd.DataFrame(pipeline[:-1].transform(df),             columns=pipeline[:-1].get_feature_names_out(),             index=df.index)