Sort a part of a list in place Sort a part of a list in place python python

Sort a part of a list in place

I'd write it this way:

a[i:j] = sorted(a[i:j])

It is not in-place sort either, but fast enough for relatively small segments.

Please note, that Python copies only object references, so the speed penalty won't be that huge compared to a real in-place sort as one would expect.

if a is a numpy array then to sort [i, j) range in-place, type:



>>> import numpy as np>>> a = np.array([4, 8, 1, 7, 3, 0, 5, 2, 6, 9])>>> a[1:4].sort()>>> aarray([4, 1, 7, 8, 3, 0, 5, 2, 6, 9])

To sort between two indices in place, I would recommend using quicksort. the advantage of quicksort over array[start:end] = sorted(arr[start:end]) is that quicksort does not require any extra memory, whereas assigning to a slice requires O(n) extra memory.

I don't believe there is an implementation in the standard library, but it is easy to write yourself. Here is an implementation that I copied and pasted from

import random def quicksort(arr, start , stop):     if(start < stop):         pivotindex = partitionrand(arr, start, stop)         quicksort(arr , start , pivotindex - 1)         quicksort(arr, pivotindex + 1, stop) def partitionrand(arr , start, stop):     randpivot = random.randrange(start, stop)     arr[start], arr[randpivot] = arr[randpivot], arr[start]     return partition(arr, start, stop) def partition(arr,start,stop):     pivot = start # pivot     i = start + 1 # a variable to memorize where the                    # partition in the array starts from.     for j in range(start + 1, stop + 1):         if arr[j] <= arr[pivot]:             arr[i] , arr[j] = arr[j] , arr[i]             i = i + 1    arr[pivot] , arr[i - 1] = arr[i - 1] , arr[pivot]     pivot = i - 1    return (pivot) 

To sort between, say, indices 2 and 6 in your example (inclusive range), I would do something like this:

array = [4, 8, 1, 7, 3, 0, 5, 2, 6, 9]quicksort(array, 2, 6) print(array)