Specifying a mySQL ENUM in a Django model Specifying a mySQL ENUM in a Django model python python

Specifying a mySQL ENUM in a Django model

From the Django documentation:

MAYBECHOICE = (    ('y', 'Yes'),    ('n', 'No'),    ('u', 'Unknown'),)

And you define a charfield in your model :

married = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=MAYBECHOICE)

You can do the same with integer fields if you don't like to have lettersin your db.

In that case, rewrite your choices:

MAYBECHOICE = (    (0, 'Yes'),    (1, 'No'),    (2, 'Unknown'),)

from django.db import modelsclass EnumField(models.Field):    """    A field class that maps to MySQL's ENUM type.    Usage:    class Card(models.Model):        suit = EnumField(values=('Clubs', 'Diamonds', 'Spades', 'Hearts'))    c = Card()    c.suit = 'Clubs'    c.save()    """    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):        self.values = kwargs.pop('values')        kwargs['choices'] = [(v, v) for v in self.values]        kwargs['default'] = self.values[0]        super(EnumField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)    def db_type(self):        return "enum({0})".format( ','.join("'%s'" % v for v in self.values) )

Using the choices parameter won't use the ENUM db type; it will just create a VARCHAR or INTEGER, depending on whether you use choices with a CharField or IntegerField. Generally, this is just fine. If it's important to you that the ENUM type is used at the database level, you have three options:

  1. Use "./manage.py sql appname" to see the SQL Django generates, manually modify it to use the ENUM type, and run it yourself. If you create the table manually first, "./manage.py syncdb" won't mess with it.
  2. If you don't want to do this manually every time you generate your DB, put some custom SQL in appname/sql/modelname.sql to perform the appropriate ALTER TABLE command.
  3. Create a custom field type and define the db_type method appropriately.

With any of these options, it would be your responsibility to deal with the implications for cross-database portability. In option 2, you could use database-backend-specific custom SQL to ensure your ALTER TABLE is only run on MySQL. In option 3, your db_type method would need to check the database engine and set the db column type to a type that actually exists in that database.

UPDATE: Since the migrations framework was added in Django 1.7, options 1 and 2 above are entirely obsolete. Option 3 was always the best option anyway. The new version of options 1/2 would involve a complex custom migration using SeparateDatabaseAndState -- but really you want option 3.