Split an integer into digits to compute an ISBN checksum Split an integer into digits to compute an ISBN checksum python python

Split an integer into digits to compute an ISBN checksum

Just create a string out of it.

myinteger = 212345number_string = str(myinteger)

That's enough. Now you can iterate over it:

for ch in number_string:    print ch # will print each digit in order

Or you can slice it:

print number_string[:2] # first two digitsprint number_string[-3:] # last three digitsprint number_string[3] # forth digit

Or better, don't convert the user's input to an integer (the user types a string)

isbn = raw_input()for pos, ch in enumerate(reversed(isbn)):    print "%d * %d is %d" % pos + 2, int(ch), int(ch) * (pos + 2)

For more information read a tutorial.

while number:    digit = number % 10    # do whatever with digit    # remove last digit from number (as integer)    number //= 10

On each iteration of the loop, it removes the last digit from number, assigning it to digit. It's in reverse, starts from the last digit, finishes with the first

list_of_ints = [int(i) for i in str(ISBN)]

Will give you a ordered list of ints. Of course, given duck typing, you might as well work with str(ISBN).

Edit: As mentioned in the comments, this list isn't sorted in the sense of being ascending or descending, but it does have a defined order (sets, dictionaries, etc in python in theory don't, although in practice the order tends to be fairly reliable). If you want to sort it:


is your friend. Note that sort() sorts in place (as in, actually changes the order of the existing list) and doesn't return a new list.