Standard 401 response when using HTTP auth in flask Standard 401 response when using HTTP auth in flask python python

Standard 401 response when using HTTP auth in flask

Custom error responses are really quite easy in Flask. Create a function whose only argument is the HTTP error status code, make it return a flask.Response instance, and decorate it with @app.errorhandler.

@app.errorhandler(401)def custom_401(error):    return Response('<Why access is denied string goes here...>', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate':'Basic realm="Login Required"'})

You can then use abort(401) to your heart's content.

Flask's abort comes directly from Werkzeug. It is a callable object, that raises various predefined HTTP exceptions (subclasses of HTTPException) on demand. Check out the code here for details.

The predefined Unauthorized (which is mapped to 401) only defines the code and a message, but not the WWW-Authenticate header, which as you know is required to trigger the login-popup with browsers. The headers an HTTPException has are hardcoded as [('Content-Type', 'text/html')] in HTTPException.get_headers.

So to add the WWW-Authenticate header, create your own Unauthorized subclass, overwrite the get_headers function and finally update the abort.mapping dictionary with it.

from flask import abortfrom werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorizedclass MyUnauthorized(Unauthorized):    description = '<Why access is denied string goes here...>'    def get_headers(self, environ):        """Get a list of headers."""        return [            ('Content-Type', 'text/html'),            ('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Login required"'),        ]abort.mapping.update({401: MyUnauthorized})

Now all abort(401) calls will raise your custom exception.