Storing numpy sparse matrix in HDF5 (PyTables) Storing numpy sparse matrix in HDF5 (PyTables) python python

Storing numpy sparse matrix in HDF5 (PyTables)

The answer by DaveP is almost right... but can cause problems for very sparse matrices: if the last column(s) or row(s) are empty, they are dropped. So to be sure that everything works, the "shape" attribute must be stored too.

This is the code I regularly use:

import tables as tbfrom numpy import arrayfrom scipy import sparsedef store_sparse_mat(m, name, store='store.h5'):    msg = "This code only works for csr matrices"    assert(m.__class__ == sparse.csr.csr_matrix), msg    with tb.openFile(store,'a') as f:        for par in ('data', 'indices', 'indptr', 'shape'):            full_name = '%s_%s' % (name, par)            try:                n = getattr(f.root, full_name)                n._f_remove()            except AttributeError:                pass            arr = array(getattr(m, par))            atom = tb.Atom.from_dtype(arr.dtype)            ds = f.createCArray(f.root, full_name, atom, arr.shape)            ds[:] = arrdef load_sparse_mat(name, store='store.h5'):    with tb.openFile(store) as f:        pars = []        for par in ('data', 'indices', 'indptr', 'shape'):            pars.append(getattr(f.root, '%s_%s' % (name, par)).read())    m = sparse.csr_matrix(tuple(pars[:3]), shape=pars[3])    return m

It is trivial to adapt it to csc matrices.

A CSR matrix can be fully reconstructed from its data, indices and indptr attributes. These are just regular numpy arrays, so there should be no problem storing them as 3 separate arrays in pytables, then passing them back to the constructor of csr_matrix. See the scipy docs.

Edit: Pietro's answer has pointed out that the shape member should also be stored

I have updated Pietro Battiston's excellent answer for Python 3.6 and PyTables 3.x, as some PyTables function names have changed in the upgrade from 2.x.

import numpy as npfrom scipy import sparseimport tablesdef store_sparse_mat(M, name, filename='store.h5'):    """    Store a csr matrix in HDF5    Parameters    ----------    M : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix        sparse matrix to be stored    name: str        node prefix in HDF5 hierarchy    filename: str        HDF5 filename    """    assert(M.__class__ == sparse.csr.csr_matrix), 'M must be a csr matrix'    with tables.open_file(filename, 'a') as f:        for attribute in ('data', 'indices', 'indptr', 'shape'):            full_name = f'{name}_{attribute}'            # remove existing nodes            try:                  n = getattr(f.root, full_name)                n._f_remove()            except AttributeError:                pass            # add nodes            arr = np.array(getattr(M, attribute))            atom = tables.Atom.from_dtype(arr.dtype)            ds = f.create_carray(f.root, full_name, atom, arr.shape)            ds[:] = arrdef load_sparse_mat(name, filename='store.h5'):    """    Load a csr matrix from HDF5    Parameters    ----------    name: str        node prefix in HDF5 hierarchy    filename: str        HDF5 filename    Returns    ----------    M : scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix        loaded sparse matrix    """    with tables.open_file(filename) as f:        # get nodes        attributes = []        for attribute in ('data', 'indices', 'indptr', 'shape'):            attributes.append(getattr(f.root, f'{name}_{attribute}').read())    # construct sparse matrix    M = sparse.csr_matrix(tuple(attributes[:3]), shape=attributes[3])    return M