str.translate gives TypeError - Translate takes one argument (2 given), worked in Python 2 str.translate gives TypeError - Translate takes one argument (2 given), worked in Python 2 python python

str.translate gives TypeError - Translate takes one argument (2 given), worked in Python 2

If all you are looking to accomplish is to do the same thing you were doing in Python 2 in Python 3, here is what I was doing in Python 2.0 to throw away punctuation and numbers:

text = text.translate(None, string.punctuation)text = text.translate(None, '1234567890')

Here is my Python 3.0 equivalent:

text = text.translate(str.maketrans('','',string.punctuation))text = text.translate(str.maketrans('','','1234567890'))

Basically it says 'translate nothing to nothing' (first two parameters) and translate any punctuation or numbers to None (i.e. remove them).

I suspect your issue has to do with the differences between str.translate and unicode.translate (these are also the differences between str.translate on Python 2 versus Python 3). I suspect your original code is being sent unicode instances while your test code is using regular 8-bit str instances.

I don't suggest converting Unicode strings back to regular str instances, since unicode is a much better type for handling text data (and it is the future!). Instead, you should just adapt to the new unicode.translate syntax. With regular str.translate (on Python 2), you can pass an optional deletechars argument and the characters in it would be removed from the string. For unicode.translate (and str.translate on Python 3), the extra argument is no longer allowed, but translation table entries with None as their value will be deleted from the output.

To solve the problem you'll need to create an appropriate translation table. A translation table is a dictionary mapping from Unicode ordinals (that is, ints) to ordinals, strings or None. A helper function for making them exists in Python 2 as string.maketrans (and Python 3 as a method of the str type), but the Python 2 version of it doesn't handle the case we care about (putting None values into the table). You can build an appropriate dictionary yourself with something like {ord(c): None for c in string.punctuation}.

Python 3.0:

text = text.translate(str.maketrans('','','1234567890'))

static str.maketrans(x[, y[, z]])

This static method returns a translation table usable for str.translate().

If there is only one argument, it must be a dictionary mapping Unicode ordinals (integers) or characters (strings of length 1) to Unicode ordinals, strings (of arbitrary lengths) or None. Character keys will then be converted to ordinals.

If there are two arguments, they must be strings of equal length, and in the resulting dictionary, each character in x will be mapped to the character at the same position in y. If there is a third argument, it must be a string, whose characters will be mapped to None in the result.