Two different color colormaps in the same imshow matplotlib Two different color colormaps in the same imshow matplotlib python python

Two different color colormaps in the same imshow matplotlib

First of all, is it possible that you just want to use a diverging colormap, 'neutral' at zero, and diverging to two distinct colours? This is an example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npv1 = -1+2*np.random.rand(50,150)fig,ax = plt.subplots()p = ax.imshow(v1,interpolation='nearest', = plt.colorbar(p,shrink=0.5)ax.set_xlabel('Day')ax.set_ylabel('Depth')cb.set_label('RWU')

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If you really want to use two different colormaps, this is a solution with masked arrays:

import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom import masked_arrayv1 = -1+2*np.random.rand(50,150)v1a = masked_array(v1,v1<0)v1b = masked_array(v1,v1>=0)fig,ax = plt.subplots()pa = ax.imshow(v1a,interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.Reds)cba = plt.colorbar(pa,shrink=0.25)pb = ax.imshow(v1b,interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.winter)cbb = plt.colorbar(pb,shrink=0.25)plt.xlabel('Day')plt.ylabel('Depth')cba.set_label('positive')cbb.set_label('negative')

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