Undo last Alembic migration Undo last Alembic migration python python

Undo last Alembic migration

Assuming that you only want to go back one revision, use alembic downgrade with a relative migration identifier of -1:

alembic downgrade -1

This will run the downgrade() method of your latest revision and update the revision table to indicate the revision you're now at.

If you need to go back multiple migrations, run

alembic history

to view a list of all the migrations in your project (from newest to oldest), then copy and paste the identifier of the migration you want to go back to:

alembic downgrade 8ac14e223d1e

There's currently no command to delete migrations from your versions directory, so if you want to completely wipe away all trace of your bad migration, you'll need to delete the version file (like 4c009570237e_add_widget_table.py) manually.