Unresolved reference issue in PyCharm Unresolved reference issue in PyCharm python python

Unresolved reference issue in PyCharm

Manually adding it as you have done is indeed one way of doing this, but there is a simpler method, and that is by simply telling pycharm that you want to add the src folder as a source root, and then adding the sources root to your python path.

This way, you don't have to hard code things into your interpreter's settings:

  • Add src as a source content root:

                           enter image description here

  • Then make sure to add add sources to your PYTHONPATH under:

    Preferences ~ Build, Execution, Deployment ~ Console ~ Python Console

enter image description here

  • Now imports will be resolved:

                     enter image description here

This way, you can add whatever you want as a source root, and things will simply work. If you unmarked it as a source root however, you will get an error:

                                 enter image description here

After all this don't forget to restart. In PyCharm menu select: File --> Invalidate Caches / Restart

  1. check for __init__.py file in src folder
  2. add the src folder as a source root
  3. Then make sure to add add sources to your PYTHONPATH (see above)
  4. in PyCharm menu select: File --> Invalidate Caches / Restart

If anyone is still looking at this, the accepted answer still works for PyCharm 2016.3 when I tried it. The UI might have changed, but the options are still the same.

ie. Right click on your root folder --> 'Mark Directory As' --> Source Root