urllib2.urlopen() vs urllib.urlopen() - urllib2 throws 404 while urllib works! WHY? urllib2.urlopen() vs urllib.urlopen() - urllib2 throws 404 while urllib works! WHY? python python

urllib2.urlopen() vs urllib.urlopen() - urllib2 throws 404 while urllib works! WHY?

That URL does indeed result in a 404, but with lots of HTML content. urllib2 is handling it (correctly) as an error condition. You can recover the content of that site's 404 page like so:

import urllib2try:    print urllib2.urlopen('http://www.reefgeek.com/equipment/Controllers_&_Monitors/Neptune_Systems_AquaController/Apex_Controller_&_Accessories/').read()except urllib2.HTTPError, e:    print e.code    print e.msg    print e.headers    print e.fp.read()