Use cases for __del__ Use cases for __del__ python python

Use cases for __del__

Context managers (and try/finally blocks) are somewhat more restrictive than __del__. In general they require you to structure your code in such a way that the lifetime of the resource you need to free doesn't extend beyond a single function call at some level in the call stack, rather than, say, binding it to the lifetime of a class instance that could be destroyed at unpredictable times and places. It's usually a good thing to restrict the lifetime of resources to one scope, but there sometimes edge cases where this pattern is an awkward fit.

The only case where I've used __del__ (aside from for debugging, c.f. @MSeifert's answer) is for freeing memory allocated outside of Python by an external library. Because of the design of the library I was wrapping, it was difficult to avoid having a large number of objects that held pointers to heap-allocated memory. Using a __del__ method to free the pointers was the easiest way to do cleanup, since it would have been impractical to enclose the lifespan of each instance inside a context manager.

One use-case is debugging. If you want to track the lifetime of a specific object it's convenient to write a temporary __del__ method. It can be used to do some logging or just to print something. I have used it a few times especially when I was interested in when and how instances are deleted. It's sometimes good to know when you create and discard a lot of temporary instances. But as I said I only ever used this to satisfy my curiosity or when debugging.

Another use-case is subclassing a class that defines a __del__ method. Sometimes you find a class that you want to subclass but the internals require you to actually override __del__ to control the order in which the instance is cleaned up. That's very rare too because you need to find a class with __del__, you nee to subclass it and you need to introduced some internals that actually require to call the superclass __del__ at exactly the right time. I actually did that once but I don't remember where and why it was important (maybe I didn't even know about alternatives then, so treat this as possible use-case).

When you wrap an external object (for example a object that isn't tracked by Python) that really, really needs to be deallocated even if someone "forgets" (I suspect a lot of people just omit them on purpose!) to use the context manager that you provided.

However all these cases are (or should be) very, very rare. Actually it's a bit like with metaclasses: They are fun and it's really cool to understand the concepts because you can probe the "fun parts" of python. But in practice:

If you wonder whether you need them [metaclasses], you don’t (the people who actually need them know with certainty that they need them, and don’t need an explanation about why).

Citation (probably) from Tim Peters (I haven't found the original reference).

One case where i always use __del__, is for closing a aiohttp.ClientSession object.

When you don't, aiohttp will print warnings about the unclosed client session.