Using cProfile results with KCacheGrind Using cProfile results with KCacheGrind python python

Using cProfile results with KCacheGrind

With cProfile you can also profile existing programs, without making any separate profiling script. Just run program with profiler

python -m cProfile -o profile_data.pyprof

and open profile data in kcachegrind with pyprof2calltree, whose -k switch automatically opens data in kcachegrind

pyprof2calltree -i profile_data.pyprof -k

For example profiling whole paster server and webapp would be done like this

python -m cProfile -o pyprof.out `which paster` serve development.ini

pyprof2calltree can be installed with easy_install.

You could use profilestats.profile decorator ($ pip install profilestats) -- a simple wrapper for pyprof2calltree module (rebranding of

from profilestats import profile@profiledef func():    # do something here

Script can be run as usual. profilestats creates two files: cachegrind.out.profilestats and in KCachegrind-compatible and cProfile formats correspondingly.

It can be done using an external module called lscallproftree

This article explains how: CherryPy - CacheGrind

With my resulting code looking like so:

...if profile:    import cProfile    import lsprofcalltree    profileFileName = 'Profiles/pythonray_' + time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.profile'    profile = cProfile.Profile()'pilImage = camera.render(scene, samplePattern)')    kProfile = lsprofcalltree.KCacheGrind(profile)    kFile = open (profileFileName, 'w+')    kProfile.output(kFile)    kFile.close()    profile.print_stats()    else:                pilImage = camera.render(scene, samplePattern)...

If anyone knows a way to do this that doesn't require an external (ie. not shipped with Python) module, I'd still be very interested to hear about it.