varargs in lambda functions in Python varargs in lambda functions in Python python python

varargs in lambda functions in Python

There is no problem using varargs in lambda functions. The issue here is different:

The problem is that the the lambda refrences the loop variable v. But by the time the lambda is called, the value of v has changed and the lambda calls the wrong function. This is always something to watch out for when you define a lambda in a loop.

You can fix this by creating an additional function which will hold the value of v in a closure:

def create_not_function(v):    return lambda s, *args, **kw:  not v(s, *args, **kw)for (k, v) in _dict.items():    if hasattr(v, '__call__'):        extended_dict["not_" + k] = create_not_function(v)


>>> l = lambda *x: print(x)>>> l(1,2,3)(1, 2, 3)