What is the difference between the declarative_base() and db.Model? What is the difference between the declarative_base() and db.Model? python python

What is the difference between the declarative_base() and db.Model?

Looking in the Flask-SQLAlchemy source code the db.Model class is initialized as follows:

self.Model = self.make_declarative_base()

And here is the make_declarative_base() method:

def make_declarative_base(self):    """Creates the declarative base."""    base = declarative_base(cls=Model, name='Model',                            metaclass=_BoundDeclarativeMeta)    base.query = _QueryProperty(self)    return base

The _BoundDeclarativeMeta metaclass is a subclass of SQLAlchemy's DeclarativeMeta, it simply adds support for computing a default value for __tablename__ (the table name) and also to handle binds.

The base.query property enables Flask-SQLAlchemy based models to access a query object as Model.query instead of SQLAlchemy's session.query(Model).

The _QueryProperty query class is also subclassed from SQLAlchemy's query. The Flask-SQLAlchemy subclass adds three additional query methods that do not exist in SQLAlchemy: get_or_404(), first_or_404() and paginate().

I believe these are the only differences.