What Python features will excite the interest of a C# developer? [closed] What Python features will excite the interest of a C# developer? [closed] python python

What Python features will excite the interest of a C# developer? [closed]

For me its the flexibility and elegance, but there are a handful of things I wish could be pulled in from other languages though (better threading, more robust expressions).

In typical I can write a little bit of code in python and do a lot more than the same amount of lines in many other languages. Also, in python code form is of utmost importance and the syntax lends its self to highly readable, clean looking code. That of course helps out with maintenance.

I love having a command line interpreter that I can quickly prototype an algorithm in rather than having to start up a new project, code, compile, test, repeat. Not to mention the fact I can use it to help me automate my server maintenance as well (I double as a SA for my company).

The last thing that comes to mind immediately is the vast amounts of libraries. There are a lot of things already solved out there, the built-in library has a lot to offer, and the third party ones are many times very good (not always though).

Being able to type in some code and get the result back immediately.

(Disclaimer: I use both C# and Python regularly, and I think both have their good and bad points.)

I'm primarily .NET developer and using Python for me personal projects.

What are the good things about python that developers love?

I can say for myself - Python is like a breath of fresh air.

1) It's simple to learn, took about a week for me in the evenings. I'm saying about Python + Django. Python syntax is quite simple.

2) It's simple to use. No troubles installing Python + Django on Windows at all.

3) It can be run on Windows and UNIX.

4) I need it for web, so I get cheaper hosting than ASP.NET.

5) All the advantages of Python language over C#. Like tuples - so useful!

The only thing I don't like is that my favorite IDE Visual Studio doesn't support it (I know about IronPython, don't you worry).