Where can the documentation for python-Levenshtein be found online? [closed] Where can the documentation for python-Levenshtein be found online? [closed] python python

Where can the documentation for python-Levenshtein be found online? [closed]

Here is an example:

# install with: pip install python-Levenshteinfrom Levenshtein import distanceedit_dist = distance("ah", "aho")

You won't have to generate the docs yourself. There's an online copy of the original Python Levenshtein API: http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/courses/LT1/2011/slides/Python-Levenshtein.html

Follow instructions at the updated version:https://github.com/joncasdam/python-Levenshtein

To get a generated documentation. This was updated 3 months back.