Which Actor model library/framework for python and Erlang-like? [closed] Which Actor model library/framework for python and Erlang-like? [closed] python python

Which Actor model library/framework for python and Erlang-like? [closed]

To make actors with gevent, use a Greenlet subclass with embedded gevent.queue.Queue instance used as an inbox. To read a message from the inbox, simply get() from the queue. To send a message to an actor, put it into that actor's queue.

Read about subclassing Greenlet here.

If you need help with writing the Actor class, feel free to ask the mailing list.

Check out pulsar, it is a concurrent framework for python which uses the actor model as source of parallel execution.

I know this question is a bit dated but here is another actor resource for python now:


Documentation can be found here:



The primary author of this library has since left GoDaddy and forked the repo:


New docs can be found here:
