Which web frameworks support Python3 (PEP3333 - WSGI 1.0.1 compliance) [closed] Which web frameworks support Python3 (PEP3333 - WSGI 1.0.1 compliance) [closed] python python

Which web frameworks support Python3 (PEP3333 - WSGI 1.0.1 compliance) [closed]

There was earlier little incentive for web frameworks to move to Python 3, as there was no usable WSGI standard for Python 3. Now we have PEP 3333, but it is still very new, so few frameworks had yet had time to port to Python 3.

Besides CherryPy there is only two other Python 3 web frameworks I'm aware of, and that is QP, which seems very different from other frameworks and to my knowledge doesn't use WSGI at all, and Bottle, which claims to support PEP 3333 (although you have to dig a bit in the docs to find it).

Django has no official roadmap for Python 3 AFAIK (except an old one that is outdated by now), but there has been promises to work on it during the summer.

Pyramid is waiting for the component architecture to get ported, and I that's mostly been done by me so far, and I don't have time at the moment. :-) I don't know if there is a roadmap for Pyramid, but there is one for the component architecture. There is no timeline, though, as it depends wholly on the time of volunteers.

In general, although Guido is sensible in recommending Python 3, that doesn't really work for web programming today.

[EDIT]Official Django Project roadmap regarding Python 3 here

the current Django trunk (r17165) (link here) clears Py3 tests (Google Group dicsussion)! Django on Py3, finally!!