Why cProfile module doesn't work with unittest? Why cProfile module doesn't work with unittest? python python

Why cProfile module doesn't work with unittest?

You have to initialize the cProfiler in the Constructor of the test, and use the profile data in destructor -- I use it like that:

from pstats import Statsimport unittestclass TestSplayTree(unittest.TestCase):    """a simple test"""    def setUp(self):        """init each test"""        self.testtree = SplayTree (1000000)        self.pr = cProfile.Profile()        self.pr.enable()        print "\n<<<---"    def tearDown(self):        """finish any test"""        p = Stats (self.pr)        p.strip_dirs()        p.sort_stats ('cumtime')        p.print_stats ()        print "\n--->>>"    def xtest1 (self):        pass

In case that a test waits for input, one needs to call self.pr.disable() before that call, and re-enable it afterwards.

If you prefer pytest the method names are a bit different:

import cProfileimport timeclass TestProfile:    """ test to illustrate cProfile usage """    def setup_class(self):        self.pr = cProfile.Profile()        self.pr.enable()    def teardown_class(self):        self.pr.disable()        self.pr.print_stats(sort="tottime")    def test_sleep(self):        time.sleep(2)

Specifying the module explicitly fixed this for me. That is, replacing...


...(which tried to auto-discover what tests it should be running) with...

    unittest.main(module='mytest')  # if in 'mytest.py', or as appropriate for your filename/module

...allowed proper profiling as python -m cProfile mytest.py.

I'm not sure why, but explicitly creating and running a test suite seems to work. I added time.sleep(2) to show something definitive in the stats.

import timeimport unittestclass TestBasic(unittest.TestCase):    def testFoo(self):        time.sleep(2)        assert True == Trueif __name__ == '__main__':    suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestBasic)    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)

Running in bash, only keeping the first 10 lines, we can see {time.sleep} was the longest running call:

~ $ python -m cProfile -s tottime so.py | head -n10testFoo (__main__.TestBasic) ... ok----------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 1 test in 2.003sOK         1084 function calls (1072 primitive calls) in 2.015 seconds   Ordered by: internal time   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)        1    2.003    2.003    2.003    2.003 {time.sleep}        1    0.002    0.002    0.003    0.003 case.py:1(<module>)        1    0.002    0.002    0.003    0.003 collections.py:11(<module>)        1    0.001    0.001    2.015    2.015 so.py:1(<module>)        1    0.001    0.001    0.010    0.010 __init__.py:45(<module>)